
How To Put Pictures In Amazon Product Description


Amazon success involves catchy titles, searchable keywords, and eye-catching images. In a visually motivated world, even product photos should be picture-perfect. Great images are one of the top aspects in helping product listings rank as high as possible in Amazon search results. But, getting images right on Amazon isn't as easy as it appears. Excellent product photos that entice customers to click and convert are essential to a great Amazon strategy.

Because the picture quality of an Amazon listing could mean the difference between a click or a pass, it's especially important to optimize images for increased sales. Sellers should visually enhance listings by adhering to technical requirements while also maximizing image composition, proper lifestyle imagery, and creativity.

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General Amazon Image Best Practices

Before explaining all four categories mentioned above, let's go over a few technical best practices for all Amazon product listing photos.

  • DO post at least five images per listing.
  • DO upload only JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF files.
  • DO include the product identifier (the Amazon ASIN, JAN, EAN, 13-digit ISBN or UPC) in the image file name.
  • DO optimize the images. Make sure images are ready for mobile phones and products are able to be seen clearly on a small screen.
  • DO add alt text to product images for those using a screen reader. This will also further optimize the product for search.

Amazon Product Main Listing Image

All images should follow the above standards, regardless of whether they are the main images the customer initially sees or the secondary images the consumer scrolls through. Though there is flexibility with the latter images, the primary photo must adhere to Amazon's strict guidelines and standards. Since the main image is the first photo the customer sees, it should attract the customer to click. When selecting a primary image:

  • DO NOT use images which contain watermarks or text.
  • DO show the product only.
  • DO use a pure white background.
  • DO ensure the photo is clear and high-quality.
  • DO ensure that the image immediately displays Who the brand is, What the product is, Which variety and What amount the consumer would purchase.

To the left: an ideal Amazon main image of a coffee grinder. To the right: a main image not adhering to the pure white background nor the product-only requirement.

Furthermore, the product image should be extremely visible, occupying at least 85% of the frame. In the same vein, all images should be at least 1000px, and preferably 2560px, in width so that customers can zoom in on the details of the product image.

Once Amazon Sellers ensure that images, especially the primary one, meet the appropriate technical standards as specified above, they can focus on composing the images.

Amazon Image Composition

Image Composition matters. When composing images:

  • DO frame images properly, keeping in mind that an abundance of white space is important – the only exception being closeup pictures to highlight detailing.
  • DO show off the product by including multiple angles and viewpoints.
  • DO take pictures of the inside and underside of items and tight shots of smaller, but relevant pieces of a product (e.g. on/off switch, important buttons, and any knobs).
  • DO include photos of any relevant information. For example, ingredient listings or nutrition facts of a product.

amazon-product-listing-best-practices-3 The images show a coffee grinder at different angles.

 In the virtual world, customers need to assess as much information as possible from product photographs. Realistic and thorough product images are the next best thing to a customer inspecting an item in person. There can never be too much visual information to look at. High quality and relevant photos go a long way in helping a consumer make their ultimate purchasing decision.

Lifestyle Imagery for Aspirational Branding

What helps, even more, is Proper Lifestyle Imagery. Great lifestyle photos paint pictures for the customer, helping him or her to imagine themselves using the product in the home or workspace. When posting lifestyle photos:

  • DO show what is inside the product package.
  • DO utilize high-quality images showing the product in use. Show a real-life person interacting or using the product as much as possible. This is essential if it is a personal item such as clothing.
  • DO impress the reality of the product benefits onto the consumer.
  • DO feel free to use a variety of backgrounds with lifestyle images as long as the background is in context and makes sense for the product. For example, a Seller may not want to have a mechanic working on a car battery in front of a sandy beach background.

amazon-product-listing-best-practices-2 The image on the left: a lifestyle image of the previous coffee grinder. Image on the right: a lifestyle image of a coffee maker in use.

The same rules for image composition apply in the lifestyle photos. So remember to use different angles, views, and close-up shots of particular parts as needed.

Use Creative Imagery to Help Your Brand Stand Out

Finally, Be Creative. When the product shots or lifestyle images aren't enough to show the full scope of a product, creativity matters. For secondary images only (not the main product image) it is okay to include text to point out important features of the product. When including supplemental information about a product:

  • DO use CLEAN text easy on the eyes and simple enough not to draw attention away from the product image.
  • DO NOT include text that covers/overlaps the image.

amazon-product-listing-best-practices-1 The image on the left shows clean text which does not compete with the product photo. The image on the right has text, which is distracting and takes away from the product images.

Also, for those products that are not self-explanatory, for which there is more to share about the product than meets the eye:

  • DO consider including appealing infographics or charts displaying product information as one of the product images.

Infographics, charts or diagrams should also be clean and succinct enough so that potential customers are able to rapidly understand product use and make an informed purchasing decision.


Sometimes a great Amazon product picture really is worth a thousand words. With the tips above, your listings will entice clicks and purchases and lead to positive results.

Download our Amazon Imagery Best Practices Checklist to make sure you're getting the most out of your product listings!

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How To Put Pictures In Amazon Product Description


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